Advanced Idea Mechanics T-Shirt inspired by Iron Man 3

Advanced Idea Mechanics T-Shirt

Advanced Idea Mechanics T-Shirt

Oh, wow! Hey, Tony!
Aldrich Killian. I'm a big fan of your work.

My work?

Who isn't? He means me.

Well, of course, but, Ms. Hansen, my organization's been tracking your research since year two of MIT.

Yeah, we're full. Oh, wow, he made it. He made the cut.

What floor are you going to, pal?

Well, now, that is an appropriate question. The ground floor, actually, of a proposal I'm putting together myself. It's a privately funded think tank called Advanced Idea Mechanics.

Uh... - She'll take both. One to throw away and one to not call.

"Advanced Idea Mechanics" or "AIM," for short. Do you get it?

A two-color design, hand screen printed on a classic fit 100% cotton white t-shirt. This tribute t-shirt is inspired by Shane Black’s 2013 movie “Iron Man 3”.

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